The Beer

A line of beers carefully crafted right here in the U.S.A. We didn't skimp on ingredients - Nor did we consult with an accountant before brewing these, we just did it. We make beer that we enjoy and that we hope you'll enjoy as well. So keep your head down, your powder dry and always have a couple of chilled Gun Craft brews in your fridge.

2nd Amendment Red IPA
The 2nd Amendment Red IPA is the libation of patriots. A Red IPA to honor the blood shed to create this great constitutional republic. The nation that has lifted the world to new heights. The cornerstone protecting all freedoms in America. Without it, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness would only be a dream.
This Red IPA is brewed with four premium malts that give this IPA it's red hue and distinct caramel malt notes. Rising to meet that malt backbone is the blend of Columbus, Simcoe, and Mosaic hops. The tropical fruit notes are some of the complex flavors you'll find contributed by the late kettle hop additions. This mashup of styles comes to us courtesy of the US Craft Beer Revolution and freedom to brew what we want.

M4 Amber Ale
The M4 carbine is highly maneuverable carbine, deployed and preferred throughout the world it protects communities, households and whole nations. The M4 is compact, lightweight and is extremely easy to fire all day long. the M4 rifle's advantages allow it's operator to accurately and rapidly engage targets without being weighed down.
This Amber Ale is brewed with premium pale, amber malts ans lightly hopped for a robust, balanced malt-focused flavor. It's lightweight with modest alcohol and extremely easy to imbibe, so you can enjoy all day long just like the rifle of freedom it's named after.

Tactical American Pale Ale
Everything we do in life is a tactical decision. Why should your choice in beer be any different. You don't have to be a highly trained special operator to know an exceptional brew. Whether you're a genuine three percenter' or simply strive to seek the higher ground of self mastery. Then Tactical brew is the Elixir for you. Keep your powder dry and stay tactical you beer warrior!
This American Pale Ale is brewed with the highest quality malt and hops blended to a precise caramel malt character. A clean bitterness from the US Magnum hops, delicious Citra hop flavors and aromas of grapefruit, melon and lime. This is a brew that won't back down and will keep you standing your ground.

FAL Belgian Style Black Ale
The FAL is considered the ultimate in 7.62 battle rifles: earning it the nickname "The Right Arm of the Free World" Being the first real black rifle developed after WWII with centuries of Belgium craftsmanship behind it it's no wonder over 90 countries have adopted it.
Gun Craft Belgian Style Black Ale is just as smooth and refined as the rifle it;s named after. This Belgian Style Black Ale is made black, but smooth and refined using roasted malts (Midnight Wheat) that doesn't create the bitter notes of most heavily roasted malts. The refined nature of this beer, its subtle Belgian yeast character and malt notes that impart slight cocoa along with roast coffee flavors.